Friday 27 January 2012

Sachiin Joshi - The Traveler

He plays various roles in his daily life. From entrepreneur to actor to humble human being. He excels at most. But did you know that Sachiin Joshi is the ultimate travel and adventure junkie. Most people dream of traveling the world, seeing new places, experiencing new cultures and taking in new sights. To many, that remains just a dream. But Sachiin Joshi is determined to make that dream a reality. His mantra is simple - Experience something new as often as possible. He makes it a point to venture to at least one new place every year. He believes that the more you travel, the more worldly wise one becomes. Seeing things from different peoples points of view changes the way you view the world and helps you grow up and helps you appreciate the beauty of life. Not to mention the fun and excitement of seeing a new place for the first time. Sachiin has been to various places across the globe. But there can never be a moment where someone can sit back and say that they've seen everything worth seeing. It's this insatiable hunger to keep exploring that keeps him going.

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