Wednesday 18 January 2012

Sachiin Joshi - As Tough As they Get!

To say that Sachiin was excited about debuting for the Mumbai Heroes in the Celebrity Cricket League would be an understatement. He took his fitness routines to the next level and worked extensively on his cricketing skills. Sachiin has played the sport since a young age and is quite an accomplished player. However disaster struck on the eve of the team's opener in Dubai. Sachiin injured a finger on his left hand. Being left handed, this would undoubtedly affect him on the field. Initially, the team's physiotherapist suspected a fractured finger which in all probability would rule him out of the opening position and for majority of the tournament. But Sachiin was in no mood to sit back and take the next day off. Being the professional & cricket enthusiast that he is, he told the physiotherapist to tape the finger up and assured his teammates that he would be out there the next day. A few painkillers and a quick fix up of the injured finger and Sachiin was out there on the field. His performance in the opener was vindictive of his determination to leave a mark and not let his team down. Sachiin went on to contribute to Mumbai Heroes making a good start to their tournament against the Telugu Warriors and then in the victory against the Chennai Rhinos. Sachiin went on to take a couple of wickets while bowling an economical spell in the latter. Reports later revealed that the injury was not a fracture. Sachiin will recover to play a part in Mumbai Heroes quest for the title.     

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