Tuesday 27 December 2011

Sachiin Joshi – a man with a winning vision

To climb a mountain is a challenge. To reach the peak is an achievement.So now you have two choices – Either strive to touch the sky or let gravity take you down. A similar dilemma engulfed this man. Standing at the top of the JMJ mountain, he didn’t look anywhere but up. The vision of a man born into limitless opportunity and intent on touching heights ordinary men don’t even dream to reach.

To inherit an empire might be considered a blessing. But to expand that by compromising on personal dreams is not a joy ride.  There is a need to understand your responsibilities but it’s important to not give up on your passion. Now he’s an intricate part of the JMJ machinery and set to lead the company into territories unknown yet with the intention of conquering it all. But that’s far from it. Aazaan gave the entertainment industry a taste of what’s coming. And there’s a lot more in store. He’s an entrepreneur, a creative genius, an actor and a humble human being. People, the name is Joshi. Sachiin J Joshi.

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