Thursday 29 December 2011

Sachiin Joshi - The Entrepreneur

Sachiin Joshi's journey with JMJ began in 2004. To be born into wealth is at times fawned upon, especially for young men who enter into the business world bowed down by expectations and end up struggling to match up to the massive challenge in front of them. After all, once you reach the top, there's only one place you can really go. Inevitably its down. Sachiin however is an undoubted exception to the rule. Having studied in India and abroad, this man had been earmarked to lead JMJ into a newer pastures for a long time now. After all, to survive, one must diversify. A concept Sachiin imbibed in his head. The lessons he learned from a young age held him in good stead. He harbored ambitions of helping the enterprise establish itself in many a field. And the heir apparent has not disappointed. Since joining JMJ, he has made quite a few bold decisions. But he knows know other way. After all, until you roll the dice, you can never know the result. His vision was to make JMJ a company with a turnover of Rs. 5000 crore. Seven years on, he's closer to that goal. The way this man works, 5000 crore will just be another number.   

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